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4 Things To Know About Asphalt And Asphalt Paving

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Asphalt is a popular material for driveways and parking lots. If you take good care of your asphalt, it can last for many years. However, that requires sealcoating it every few years and filling cracks and holes as soon as they appear. Here are four things to know about asphalt and asphalt paving.

1. Old Asphalt Is Often Recycled

If you're having your old asphalt torn out before installing a new driveway, you may think all that asphalt will wind up in the landfill. However, that's not always the case since asphalt can be recycled and used to make new parking lots and driveways. Your asphalt paving company may even use recycled asphalt on your project.

2. The Success Of A Driveway Depends On The Base

Building a base for the driveway is a very important step in asphalt paving. The base has to be compacted so the soil won't shift under the weight of your cars. If the base is built properly, your driveway will last much longer than if you start having issues with shifting.

That's why your paving contractor is careful to repair problems with the base, ensure there is proper drainage, and compact the base so it is stable and ready for the asphalt to be applied.

3. Color Can Be Added To Asphalt

Asphalt parking lots and driveways are usually black, but if you prefer a different look, you can choose another color. Color additives can be put in the asphalt before it's applied. The color can also be changed by applying a colored seal coat once your driveway is installed.

Earth tones are popular choices for colored asphalt. You can choose tan or cream that resembles concrete. You might want white so your driveway is cooler. You can also select various shades of red and green. Talk to your asphalt paving contractor about whether colored asphalt is a good idea and what color options are available.

4. An Asphalt Overlay Might Be A Good Repair Option

If the base under the asphalt is bad, the old driveway has to be torn out and replaced. If the base is in good shape, but your driveway is nearly worn out, your asphalt paving contractor might keep the old driveway and pour a thin layer of new asphalt on top of it.

This is called resurfacing, and it's a good way to extend the life of old asphalt for several more years. You'll still need to keep up with sealcoating and repairs or the new asphalt will wear down quicker than it should. 

For more information, contact a local company like American USA Paving.
